the Company recognizes and values equality in the rights and dignity of every human being, the Company respects and focuses on cultivating respect for human rights for all groups of stakeholders involved throughout the Company's value chain.

Respect For Human Rights

The Company places great importance on respecting human rights. It believes that all humans have equal rights by birth including human resource management that requires equality in treatment and benefits that employees should receive according to labor laws. In addition, the Company also places importance on human resource management which is considered a valuable resource and is extremely important in driving the organization to grow with quality. The human resources policy has been clearly established and gives importance to taking care of employees in developing their knowledge and abilities to be proficient providing appropriate compensation and benefits, taking care of safety, occupational health, and the working environment. The Company also promotes the creation of shared value between business and society by continuously supporting knowledge, materials, and various equipment for people in the community. To create opportunities to have a good quality of life and a stable economy in their own local society in a sustainable way.

Human Rights Policy

Fair Labor Treatment And Employee Care

The Company recognizes the importance of human resource development and treats workers fairly. This is an important factor that will help increase the value of the business and strengthen competitiveness as well as the sustainable growth of the organization in the future. Therefore, Srinanaporn Marketing Public Company Limited, its subsidiaries and associated companies (“Company”) both inside and outside the country attach importance to compliance with labor laws to promote fairness and equality among employees. There is a policy along with supporting various regulations labor aspect regarding respect for human rights regarding the diversity of the workforce in the organization. There are equal practices for treating workers without discrimination toward gender, age or physical condition, job position, race, and religion. Every employee is taken care of every step of the way since the recruitment process, fair employment, compensation at a level appropriate to the Thai industry. The welfare is not less than what is required by law or more appropriate. Personnel development promotes career advancement opportunities as well as taking care of health and safety in the workplace.

Potential Development And Opportunities For Personnel Growth

To aim to be a producer and distributor of beverage products and good snacks both in quality and service, the Company emphasizes the importance of human resource management focusing on developing employees with necessary knowledge and skills according to the direction of the business. This is because personnel are considered one of the main resources in running a business and is an important mechanism in driving the organization towards change - transformation. The Company has therefore reviewed and prepared personnel preparation along with developing the organization to be efficient to support business operations and working styles that have changed in the current situation. It also supports and promotes business competitiveness in a stable and sustainable manner.

Motivating And Retaining Employees

The Company focuses on the importance of retaining employees in the organization by providing welfare and compensation management system to motivate and attract potential employees to join the Company. The morale of workers is boosted so that talented employees can be retained with the organization. As a result, employees are determined to improve their skills and abilities so that they are ready and willing to see their career progress. This will drive the success of the mission. The Company has a plan to develop employee engagement and there is continuous monitoring and measurement of the level of satisfaction and commitment of employees towards the organization at least once a year in order to provide information for reviewing and considering important factors for retaining and motivating employees to remain with the Company.

The Company provides annual performance evaluations. The topic of annual performance evaluation comes from the Company’s goals, divided into 3 factors with the following proportions:


Personal performance score (KPI) according to role, duty and responsibility of the position including special assigned work


From core competencies (Core Competency) all 7 aspects

  1. Focus on success
  2. Learning ability
  3. Teamwork
  4. Ethics and transparency in work
  5. Having a vision
  6. Driving the team
  7. Sustainable Development

Consistency of coming to work throughout the year

Satisfaction And Commitment Of Employees Towards The Organization

In order to continuously develop and create happiness for employees, the Company requires a survey of employee satisfaction and engagement to know the needs and opportunities for developing employee engagement and require annual performance monitoring and reporting at least once a year and take various actions for the continuous development of engagement.

Health And Safety In The Work Environment

The Company has policies and guidelines regarding hygiene, safety, and the working environment. Controls are in place to reduce the risk of accidents and unsafe health for employees including contractors who come to work in the Company by arranging annual health examinations for employees, having a nurse's room, basic medical equipment for employees, and checking for lights, colors, dust, smoke, and chemicals as required by law. Safety assessment according to plan to provide equipment to prevent danger and provide regular safety training to build confidence among employees to have good health resulting in Illness rate decreased.

Participating In Community And Social Development

The Company is aware of its responsibility to the community and society in order to strengthen the community and give back truly into society, so the Company has a policy to help and develop society by participating in various activities with the surrounding communities to promote local workers to have opportunities to work in the organization to reveal operational information that may affect the community in which the organization is located including responding to events that affect the community, society and environment from the Company's operations with timely manner and efficiency and encourage employees of the organization to have conscience and responsibility for the environment and society and cooperate with other groups or networks in developing the community or society, that is the goal each year.

Srinanaporn Activities for Society
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Our latest report highlights our commitment to sustainable practices, showcasing our achievements and goals in environmental conservation.